Setting out to become a green company.
Sustainability means thinking about future generations in one's actions. With this in mind, we make responsible decisions in our daily work. In 2023, robatherm looks back on more than 170 years of history. Our paramount goal is maintaining our independence as a medium-sized company, developing through its strength, and thinking about longterm generations. For us, that is a pivotal element of sustainable corporate leadership.

Sustainability is a complex issue. We've already done quite a bit at various levels, about which we provide information in this Sustainability Report. But far be it from us to rest on our laurels. On the contrary, it incentivizes us to continue developing into a Green Company. We would be delighted if you would accompany us along this path.
Mathieu Huber,
Philipp Baumeister,
Andreas Lamprecht
SEO robatherm
Anyone dealing with this topic quickly realizes the fact that sustainable action is not just a task but a bundle of tasks. This makes it all the more crucial to shed light on sub-areas and individual measures. robatherm's first sustainability report provides an overview of what needs to be or has already been achieved from a company perspective.

This sustainability report's preparation underlines our ambition to become a "Green Company". The 2023 Report provides information about our sustainability strategy measures taken to date. We are aware of the fact that this is an ambitious goal and that this will be an ongoing process. Together with future sustainability reports, this will document our path into the future.
The requirements for clean air and energy efficiency are becoming ever more stringent to meet current and future challenges. robatherm, as "the air handling company", sees itself as having a responsibility to meet these requirements with efficient solutions and thus to support the achievement of climate protection targets within the building sector.
Whether man or nature, we respect the available resources and treat them carefully. Whether modern buildings, machines, or material-optimized processing
concepts, our locations meet the highest energy standards.
No matter the topic, communication is crucial. We have also experienced this during discussions revolving around our new headquarters. The more we
explained, for example, how the building technology was constructed and which sustainable technologies were used, the greater the understanding that we are serious about sustainability. That's why we want to ensure greater transparency on the one hand and, on the other hand, offer food for thought with this report.
Where can we improve? Where do our partners see the potential for improvement? Where do we perhaps have solutions that interest our business partners? We are already looking forward to these conversations.