TI-50. The new
With the new TI-50 casing, robatherm sets a new milestone in the history of individual air handling units. It was our goal to develop a casing that, on the one hand, continues to combine and even improve the previous features of our AHUs. But, on the other hand, it creates new added value for our customers with additional features.

- Unrestricted flexibility for individual, customized solutions.
- Excellent casing characteristics
- A new benchmark for better hygiene and safe conditioning of fresh air
- Many detailed solutions that make robatherm air handling units distinctive

Excellent characteristics
(according to DIN EN 1886):
This new casing improves the well-known outstanding casing properties by about 5% within the classes. Reinforcing the now 50-mm thick thermopane increases tightness. 50 mm is a key aspect of the new development that is also reflected in the name of the casing construction: TI-50.
Casing material characteristics that lie far above the minimum requirements result in specific efficiency benefits. An AHU by robatherm impresses with outstanding casing parameters (according to DIN EN 1886) as a standard.
- Thermal Bridge: TB1
- Thermal Transmittance: T2
- Air Density: L1 (M)
- Casing Deflection: D1
- Filter-Bypass-Leakage: F9