Permanently hygienic:
Antimicrobial Coating

Air handling units process air to ensure its quality and, thus, the hygienic conditioning permanently. Operators, installers and planners of AHUs have a fundamental responsibility for preventing people from being endangered by microorganisms.

Are you responsible for the quality of room air?
Are you responsible for the quality of room air?

To prevent microorganisms from settling inside the AHU, robatherm offers AHUs with a long-acting antimicrobial coating. The coating makes a valuable contribution even in reducing multi-resistant germs and ensuring lasting hygienic air conditioning.

With AHUs by robatherm, your responsibilities will be met safely and on a long-term basis.

An independent institute has confirmed the efficacy several times over.
An independent institute has confirmed the efficacy several times over.

Tested, confirmed and certified.

Since robatherm introduced antimicrobial coating, its effectiveness has been subject to long-term study, in the meantime for over ten years.

In 2020, a expert's report confirmed that the effectiveness of the antimicrobial powder coating had remained practically unaltered. Prior to the test, the samples had undergone ten years of exposure to the extract air flow of an air handling unit under real operating conditions.

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