Neue Siederei, Munich –
A Digital Loft Striving for LEED Gold Certification.

This place, in the middle of Munich, was once a pretty hot location. Soap products were prepared by boiling fats, oils, and soda. Now, the site has developed into a new hotspot within the very heart of Munich. It's all about new digital work environments: an urban digital loft campus.

Not only does the roof terrace offer a far-sighted and magnificent view over the Bavarian capital. This building was conceptually designed with such far-sightedness, as proven by the desired LEED Gold certification. Furthermore, the Neue Siederei proves that efficiency, design, and functionality need not compete with each other but blend into a greater entity.

11 AHUs by robatherm contribute significantly to the Neue Siederei. On the one hand, to achieve the LEED Certification and on the other hand, to provide pleasant working conditions. 10 of them, fully ready for connection, arrived in Munich mounted on a DIN- frame. This meant that delivery and installation in the city center could be completed within the shortest possible time.

At a Glance:

  • 11 weatherproofed AHUs
  • Thereof 10 complete plug&play units incl. control technology
  • 1 AHU with an integrated hydraulic module for a high-performance run-around coil system
  • Total HRS capacity: 1110 kW
  • Total cooling capacity 650 kW
  • 197,000 m³/h total air volume
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